Photo by 98thPercentile


Well, most of us grow up with the notion that education is meant to help us get good jobs and live a comfortable life. Oh yes, that is true. If you want to land a good job for yourself you have to be educated. In some cases, the higher you go with your education the more you advance in your career. Education topped with experience can help one to excel in their field of interest careerwise.

However, nowadays we have a lot of well learned people on the streets who are unemployed. Some of them are frustrated and they are getting involved in all wrong stuff. Imagine watching someone who only have a high school diploma doing pretty well than someone who has a masters degree.

The thing is three quarters of people go to school with the belief that they will someday be employed in a good company. Very few people think of starting their own business and create opportunities for generations to come.

Anyway, that’s not my story for today. Never you think that education is useless because you cannot find your dream job. Shake of the idea of getting educated for making money only. If you look at it closely, education helps people to make more informed decisions in life.

The way an educated person behaves and reasons is totally different from that of someone who did not acquire education. Education helps you escape many mistakes in life because it gives you exposure to a whole lot of information and different experiences from different intellects. They say knowledge is power and that is really true and we can never escape that truth.

We always talk about gender equality, and education is the only way people can get to understand its dynamics. Your confidence and self-esteem are boosted when you are educated.  It’s not always about employment but social life too. A community with educated people is most likely to be peaceful and well structured.

The world will become a better place with more educated people as education brings civilization. Most of bad practices in societies are being abolished because people are learning and getting to understand life better. They are becoming more open minded and they can accommodate people with their differences.

You don’t have to have a degree but at least finish up your high school education. And to those who got the opportunity to complete their tertiary education and are not employed, do not discourage those who intend to pursue that. Try to look at the other benefits of acquiring more knowledge for your own personal growth.

By Brenda

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