There are many people who believe that they should not worry about how they are going to provide for their children. They bear children even when they are in the toughest times of their lives. Their minds and hearts believe that things will just happen and situations will sort themselves out.

Oh yes, there are things that are beyond our control and those kinds of things come around and go on their own. Don’t get this twisted, you have a role to play and that is accepting that this particular situation is beyond your control and adapt. Its like you should be ready to face these kinds of situations meaning you have to work on yourself otherwise you may be broken along the way.

Basically, humans need to plan their lives but should also be ready for disappointments. Things do not always go as planned. However, we must plan our lives, our future, our families and careers always. You can’t work on something you didn’t plan. Everything in life, just like businesses, requires planning ahead. Same applies with starting a family, building it and making babies.

You have to plan properly for your baby, before it comes on this earth. Work and prepare a starting ground for your kids even before they come. That’s how you can be able to give them a life that is way better than the life you lived when you were growing up. You will have less problems providing for them and even educating them to the best levels you wish and send the to the schools of their choices.

Planning for your kids before they come can save you a whole lot of stress in their upbringing. Well, it is not all about money or finances, there are a lot of things you should consider and make sure they are in place although my emphasis is on bringing kids into this world when you know you don’t really have the means to provide for them. That is how a chain of poverty is created in families because later on you will start seeing your kids as your investment and they can’t really make progress because they have to carry a lot of responsibilities.

Another important thing to consider is the stability of your relationship as parents. Co-parenting is not easy at all the same way being a single parent is heavy. You need a strong and supportive partner if you are to have a child. Both of you need to be emotionally ready for parenting. You should be able to accommodate the new baby and this may require or result in lifestyle changes.

You should consider your educational and career goals or personal goals.  A child requires attention and you should be ready to make that your priority. So, if you are still busy chasing your dreams you may need to delay having kids. Your child’s need should be put above your personal interests. Yes, money is needed to give your child a good life but don’t get buried in your work and forget your child. You need to balance your life and activities.


By Brenda

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