Do you have to be selfish for you to be able to preserve your peace of mind? The answer could be yes. The reason being that humans were never designed to carry too much pressure such that an individuals’ life alone can be too frustrating for him. Things get worse if you have to worry about other people’s problems too.

Probably this is the reason why many people are capitalising the word SELF. Everything has to start with you. Love yourself first before you can love the next person. Treat yourself with kindness and be gentle with yourself when you make mistakes.

Forgive yourself so you can forgive others. The bottom line is, everything should start with you. Naturally you get what you give but this is not always the case. Loving yourself will bar every negative opinion about you from hurting or breaking you.

Putting you first will get you to better position in life such that you can be able to help others without you getting drained. Focusing on you first can help you understand yourself better and keep every aspect of your being under control.

There are so many things that are beyond our control especially the way other people behave. Of course we have our expectations and its normal. It is very normal to expect your family members to stand by you in times of trouble. However, it’s possible that your family may fail to do so for so many different reasons.

Self-love, self care, self-esteem and self confidence as well as self control are all very important aspects of life. Nobody will take care of you if you don’t do it for yourself. You attract what you have inside of you. Positive attitude brings positive people around you and they can help build you. Negative attitude also attract negative people.

Being true to yourself is the best thing you can ever do for yourself. If you can’t help someone be truthful and honest. Don’t try to be a hero. If you don’t have, accept that you don’t have.

What other people think about you should not affect you. Do not allow people to define you. This special kind of selfishness does not mean you should be heartless and inconsiderate. It means you become a responsible person minding your own business and developing your self.

You choose what to take in and what to ignore. Build a strong wall around yourself and choose wisely who you want to be in your inner circle. Life is about choices. The choices we make today will determine our tomorrow.   

By Brenda

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