It is always exciting when you get to buy a lot of things with just a little sum of money especially clothes and shoes. You get to buy a hip of nice-looking clothes and shoes and bags, hair also.

However, have you checked how long it will last. Most of these things fade with just one wash. They will look like you have been wearing them for the longest time. The shoes will just loose shape in a short space of time and that is if the sole has not broken on your way to somewhere.

Don’t get me wrong; not everything of high quality has a high price tagged on it.

Its understandable that the economy is harsh and we are all trying to cut out our expenses and we end up buying cheap things. There is one thing that many of us fail to understand, which is the relationship between the quality of something and its price. Sometimes the price of a commodity reflects its quality and durability/.

You will find that you need to change your wardrobe or you are forced to change it even when you are broke because you chose quantity over quality. Learn not to compromise when it comes to quality. Its better to have a few dresses in your wardrobe, of high quality that will always look nice and new when you wear them.

Quality matters more than quantity. Sacrificing to buy a reasonably expensive watch is worth it. If you buy a cheap watch today, check its color in the next few days. You will realize that it has lost its glow already.

Not everyone who wears good quality stuff is rich but they saved and budgeted for something that will last them longer. Buying substandard commodities will make you spend more money every now and then on the same thing.

Same applies with gadgets like cellphones. Some of them are cheap when they are on sale. Before you buy a phone, you should check its properties. Usually, those features determine the price and the poor they are the lower the price. So, take your time and consider what you would like to use the gadget for and check the features. Budget gadgets are always available and are not that expensive.

Consider all these when buying kitchen utensils and equipment too. Good quality products are usually a bit expensive but are worth buying.

By Brenda

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