The best way to solve certain problems or avoid them is to change our mind set. Everybody needs to believe in something (spirituality) because it’s part of life. You can’t just live without a belief or religion.
The doctrine of the religion you are in affects the way you see the world. It affects the way you live your life and also what and how you eat. The way you dress and socialise can also be determined by your religion.
Many people are dying of curable diseases because they believe they can be healed at church. They see everything as spiritual. Each time they fall sick they take it as a spiritual attack.
Yes life is spiritual and God can heal you completely but it doesn’t work as we think. Do you have the kind of faith it takes yo be healed? If you don’t, remember that that God created doctors for a purpose, which is to help us when we get sick.
People tend to ignore simple and basic rules of life and complicate everything. At the end they lose their lives. God works through people, He uses people to do what He wants on earth. Our misunderstandings cause us to end up blaming God for our mistakes that cause us great losses.
If you do not feel alright, visit a doctor and get proper medical care. Get a proper diagnosis and the right treatment. That is the reason why we have medical doctors all over the world. These people took an oath to save lives. They can only do it if they are given the chance to.
Both adults and children are dying because they got medical attention late or they never got it. Not because it is expensive or unavailable but because certain religion forbids going to hospitals and clinics. Well,its not every time when you don’t feel okay and it is a spiritual attack.
It is natural to fall sick. Someone sat down and studied how to help someone who has health problems so give that person the chance to help you treat your body. This is for your own good and you get higher chances of living longer if you keep your health in check.
Another problem is visiting a doctor once in blue moon. What will be happening all this while you were not checking your health. If you visit a doctor and get your treatment you must make it a norm to pay more visits to your doctor to make sure things worked as planned. You never know when you need a change on your treatment plan especially when dealing with chronic illness.
You should make your doctor one of your close friends.