There are 1000 ways to die, one been suicide after a heartbreak. Which is what is happening nowadays, can we say love is overrated, what can we say?

Love creates a new world around you, it creates all forms of connection be it emotional, physical connections with a person daily at the extent that you think nothing around you matters but only your person matters.

People nowadays do anything for love that you leave that part of you that creates self love. You should be able to love yourself first to be able to love someone in a healthy way.

What do I mean by a healthy relationship. Its a relationship that creates equality between partners that one partner shouldn’t feel overwhelmed by doing everything in a relationship.

 Those are the same people who commit suicide because they feel they have done more than the next partner. Healthy relationships are key to avoid these kinds of scenarios.

Healthy relationship takes work, it is a continuous process of compromise, embracing individuality and celebrating each other’s unique qualities but there should be an equilibrium.

Shared interest is key between two partners, you end up compromising a lot that remove that part of you that creates self love. By doing so you are biting more than what you can swallow, the moment you lose that person you have sacrificed for you might lose yourself.

Last but not least, just a take home message, healthy relationships also involves a deeper connection between two partners. Some people are in a relationship because you ‘feel for someone’ that doesn’t feel the same, emotional intelligence should help you ascertain whether you are on the same boat with your partner to avoid heartbreaks that leads to suicide.

Love those who love you, appreciate those who appreciate you. Love is like a flower, you can’t force it to bloom.

By Brenda

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