There is one thing people are not aware of about kids. Each child is different from the other in a family but there are traits that distinguish kids from one family to the other.

I’ve had many incidents where kids behave in a certain way, usually embarrassing and the parents will say they don’t know where they got this behaviour from.

Well you can make that remark but kids do what they see you do at home. They talk the way you talk, they Address people the way you do, everything they do they simply do it the way you do it.

Swear a lot at home and your kids will swear a lot too. Use bad language and they will use that. Kids are innocent and do not have the ability to choose how they want to behave, rather they imitate from those who are always around them.

That is why you need to give your kids a good and solid foundation because whatever life they will live will depend on their upbringing. Whatever decisions they will make will depend on the foundation that their parents made for them.

If you are that kind of a person who shouts at the slightest provocation then your child can be like that. They may decide to change and see the world differently but its safe to build the right foundation.

Kids with an abusive father tend to be bully to other kids. Male kids usually become abusive too. On the other hand female kids will be aggressive as a way of defending themselves. They need to be intimidating so that they will look dangerous to avoid going through what they saw their mother going through.

These maybe called childhood traumas. Parents need to be very careful around their kids. Try to protect your kids from that other baby side of you. I am sure you know what is wrong and what is right. Teach your kids what is right.

It may be difficult because you grew up in such environments and it feels normal but it’s wrong. Let’s change the world by rectifying what our elders didn’t rectify.

You know those areas you think your parents could have done better. Do it the better way for your kids and their generation will be way better than yours.

By Brenda

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