There are places in the Western Cape that are full of criminals such that you cannot feel safe even during the day and in your house too. You can get robbed in broad day light and people will just watch and get entertained.

Don’t blame them, it’s way safer to mind your business. Getting involved can get you into serious trouble and it could cost you your life. Your family members and friends can also be involved. That is why people don’t help.

What about the police? One could ask. The police inly comes after the dust has settled. They may even pass by during the incident and act like they are not seeing that something is odd.

I personally don’t blame them because if anything happens they are not safe at all. If one of the criminals gets hurt the police officer may find him or herself in trouble. So , why would they take the risk. There is no point!

So, you should learn to mind your business in Cape Town. Trying to be a hero can cost you your life. If not you will have to run away with your dear life if you get the chance to.

You can not show off in Cape Town. Showing off your valuables and wealth will only invite danger into your life. You may get kidnapped and be killed afterwards. You may go back home with none of all the valuables you left with.

Right timing is important when planning and doing things. Avoid walking at night. Avoid walking alone in isolated places. Avoid drawing money on an ATM that is in dangerous areas. You will go home empty handed.

Avoid spending odd hours of your time in public places like taverns. Anything can happen in those places anytime and you may be caught in crossfire. To be safe you should drink at home. It is safer that way.

Don’t snatch other people’s girlfriends or boyfriends. Most people don’t hesitate to kill for love in South Africa. Don’t date married people. Do a thorough background check on your partner before you commit.

Don’t allow anyone to know every detail about you. Keep your life private and you will be safer. Allowing people to know too much about you is risky as they can use that info to bring you down.

No one should know about your income as well as your plans. People who hurt you are those who know so much about you. People get jealousy if they feel like you are doing better than them. Keep your life private and you will be safe.

Mind your tongue! Your mouth can get you into trouble!

By Brenda

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