Why getting yourself into trouble when you can avoid it. The fact that you don’t see any part of your body falling off doesn’t mean you don’t lose something when you get into trouble.

On the physical side, your health is always an indicator of what you are losing each time you do wrong things. It could be drinking a lot of alcohol and smoking or overworking yourself. Yes, it is so dope to be smoking but cancer might be waiting for you in the longrun.

Life is all about transactions. You give to get. You lose something to get something else. You use what you have to get what you want or need. It is like business, all about exchanging.

Before you get involved in a personal relationship with someone, naked sure they are the right person. This is because you never get back what you are going to give to that person. The love, care, affection and the trust, you will never get them back. Not forgetting the time and emotions invested.

Don’t just fall in love. Keep your heart safe because it is not easy to deal with a heartbreak. You will never forget that experience and you may struggle to love and trust the person who will come next into your life. You end up losing good people because you will be holding on to your past.

Think twice before you say or do anything.  Tailors would say measure twice and cut once. This avoids unnecessary mistakes that may be costly in your life. You can lose great people because of your words and actions. Remember you cannot make people to forget what you said even after you apologise.

People will never forget the wrong you did and made them witness although they can forget the good you did. Consider others when doing things. Some actions can make people to not respect you and that affects your reputation. Every other generation will be told about your actions and that will determine the level of respect you will get from them.

Avoid unnecessary quarrels and arguments. It is during those arguments when you say things you are not supposed to say. Try to be reserved because your words will last for longer than you can ever imagine. What you say tells people a lot about you.

If you decide to be sexually active then make sure you are safe. Protect yourself from contracting STIs instead of waiting to cure then. Stick to one partner because that’s the first step of being safe. We’ll it only works of your partner is faithful also. Always get yourself checked and make sure you are healthy.

Honesty is a virtue. It always seem like dishonesty is very rewarding. But it is not and you can only realise that when you are already sinking. Avoid cheating people because you will lose everything you might have gathered through dishonesty at last. That would be embarrassing.

I’ve seen many who like saying experience is the greatest teacher. Only stupidity will make fall into a deep pit when your eyes are wide open. It is not everything that you should experience. Learn from others sometimes or read books. Stop wasting your time in this life when you can actually do more.

It will always take you a lot of time to deal with problems and those same problems may be barriers to your success. You will need time to recover be it emotionally, physically or financially. Avoid getting into problems all in the name of experience.

Prevention is always better than cure.

By Brenda

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