People spend a lot of  money employing some simple services that just require a little knowledge and very little time to carry out. People think that it’s class to have someone doing every little thing for you.

That’s the reasoning for the small brains. You should take pride in being able to solve certain small problems on your own like replacing a light bulb and tidying up your place. This could actually help you feel more positive about yourself.

You feel like you are in charge and everything is under your control. You save some money too. Unless if you like bossing people around. There are people who just feel good about getting someone to do things for them while they are managing them.

The first important hands-on skill that you should have is housekeeping. You ought to train yourself to keep your house clean and tidy. You should be able to do some basic house cleaning. Cleanliness is classy and attractive.

You may have a house help but when that person is not around you should be able to maintain Cleanliness in your home. You should be able to do your house chores alone because life can change and you may use those skills to make a living.

You should be able to cook proper meals. Making food at home is recommended. It is more preferable to make your own food at home so that you can guard your heart and make sure some hygiene standards are met.

Fast foods are not good for your health. Most of them are too oily and cause a lot of health problems. Again ordering food or eating out looks classy and seems to be a good living. Well, once in a while makes it special and exciting and doing it too often makes it a threat to your health and finances.

Some people have lost their relationships because of this cooking issue. Most men prefer home made food to takeaways. African men feel like a good wife should prepare food at home for the family. Keep your family intact together by preparing meals at home and eat together.

Baking is another important skill that can also help you make some extra money. You could bake your cakes and cookies at home instead of buying them. This is or can be  therapeutic if you do it willingly.

Basic car maintenance is also important. If you get stuck with your car in the middle of nowhere you could try those basic fixes and it help you. You should be able to change a tire and check and change  your oil. Washing your car can be fun sometimes.

You don’t need a mechanic to help you fix your bike. You should be able to fix it yourself. Fix the brakes and deal with a puncture yourself. Have fun doing these small small problems.

There some people who don’t even know how to replace a button on there dress. Sewing skills are essential especially when it comes to mending minor issues on your garments. You can’t really employ someone to replace a button for you.

First Aid and CPR are other basic skills we should all have. We live around people and accidents and emergencies do happen. We should be ready to help out victims as we wait for the arrival of the professionals or before we take them to the hospital.

The list is very long but the bottom line is that you should have basic knowledge of almost everything that you work with and use at home and at work. Get a little knowledge about electricity, the drainage system at home, your car and the technology you use.

By Brenda

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