Everything that can be build can be destroyed too. However, if it if what has been build or is being build is on a weak foundation, then it crumble.
Relationships are built the same way they can be destroyed. It takes a very long time and much effort to build a relationship but it takes very little input to destroy it. This is especially when its foundation is unstable.
A successful relationship involves people who are true to themselves. People who set standards from the very beginning and never compromise. People who are authentic and very honest. Everything about them is genuine.
The major problem we make when we meet people is tolerating what we should not tolerate. We smile when people are doing things that make us frown. We laugh at jokes that actually are upsetting us all in the name of making them feel comfortable.
We tolerate these behaviours because we want to make them feel welcome into our lives and feel accommodated. But, at what cost? Do you really have to put someone else’s comfort first at the expense of you peace of mind.
By the way, how long will you be able to pretend like you are at peace with them when you are not. Well, you can pretend but not for too long or forever. The true you shall come out one day. If it doesn’t then you will have some mental health and emotional issues.
You will definitely waste your time and theirs too because you are not legit. Telling someone to start behaving in a different manner after you have been tolerating them for some time is a deal breaker. It simply means you were fake and you built a foundation of lies.
It looks like you have been in a relationship with the wrong person. Someone not meant for you. They will also feel the same way about you and they most likely will not like the real you. Starting to adjust to the new you could be a lit work.
They loved you because you accepted them the way they are and they accepted that version of you then. Trying to start controlling them Telling them what to and what not to do will look like you want to change who they are.
The take home message is; tell whoever comes into your life your likes and dislikes the moment you notice they are doing something you should never tolerate. Allowing them to do it once or twice and you act like everything is normal and fine is not right.
Be you, be yourself and your no should be absolute just the same way your yes should be. The right people will stay and the wrong ones will go.