We all have expectations in our careers, relationships and almost everything else we ever do. We have expectations on other people the same way those people have expectations in us.

Should we say expectations are hopes? We hope that things will change for good and in other words we are expecting that things will change for the better. It is like we are looking forward to…

Expectations can be beneficial the same way they can be detrimental to us especially mental wise. If our expectations are met we become happy and fulfilled. Frustration and anger will come if they are not met.

The main problem with humans is that our expectations are usually very high and unrealistic. They are like a fantasy in your head that you are expecting to experience someday.

I passed with distinctions in my final exams in High School. I got hired to be trained as a administration officer and the person to train had only two weeks to do that. I had to grasp everything in a very shirt time.

The person taught me what she thought was most crucial. However, there was still a lot of things I didn’t know and it was frustrating. The manager felt like I was underperformed.

He expected me to do more because of my high school results. I had to deal with something knew everyday and supervise people who were old enough to be my grandmother’s.

People who have been working for the company for years and they feel like they can get away with anything. To make matters worse, I was a foreigner and they didn’t want me there.

I was always willing to learn and was always true to myself and ask for help whenever I needed to. Still it was not enough. Imagine being told that you should arrange receipts in order of their number a month after.

Where on earth will you get the time to do so. The manager asked, “Are the receipts arranged?.” I was like arranged, how? He was like you should know your job. But how am I to know without being told. Who would guess that receipts should be arranged in order.

Most people have a checklist of qualities that their partners should possess. When they meet someone who seem to be having those qualities they accept them. Finding out that they are not as they thought will simply make them angry and frustrated. The relationship will not work.

Expectations can ruin us. They can make us go crazy if they are not met. So  make sure your expectations are realistic and things do not always go as you expect them to.

By Brenda

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