Dealing with people is one of the most complex issues we have to deal with on a daily basis. Each and everyone of us is unique and we have different minds and hearts.

As people are different, they can’t all be put in one bracket of solution if they were to be taken as problems. It doesn’t matter if that someone is your sibling, parent or relative.

We are all born different. Some people are selfish and do not consider others when do whatever they wish or make decisions. They just think about themselves and what they stand to benefit personally.

Some never worry about tomorrow but they always run to others when things go wrong forgetting that they didn’t consider them in the first place. Some are stubborn and always find themselves in trouble .

Others are troublesome and always cause fights and quarrels . Some people are cruel and full of hatred. Some are just hot headed but they make stupid decisions but never regret.

Some always think they are smart and listens to nobody. Others just value people they know or of the same class or race or origin and culture. We have a lot of differences and that makes us who we are.

Since people are this different it is difficult to deal with difficult people. However, there is always a way to find and make peace and love together peacefully despite our differences.

Before you do anything with someone try to observe them and get to know ow more about them. Study their character, their likes and dislikes, observe how they deal with problems.

Observe how they react to things like difficulties or their reactions when they get provoked. From there you can figure out how to handle them. Peace comes from understanding each other.

You don’t have to carry out this process on everybody but on those who you are forced or who you must spend much of your time with like everyday. These include your friends, family members, colleagues and business partners.

If they are reasonable and value you that much they also will be trying to figure out how to handle you and then you meet in the middle. That’s how we keep relationships sailing. That’s how we live peacefully.

Remember you have to make some sacrifices too. Let go of some things you like if they affect those surrounding you negatively. But keep in mind not to ruin your mental health.

Consider others in your decision making. It shouldn’t be always about you and what you want. Stay positive and don’t try to force people into doing what you want if they are not willing.

Always be honest and sincere. These are virtues that we should cultivate in order for us to maintain peace and preserve our dignity. Think twice before you talk. Be honest when it comes to your feelings too.

Think things through before uttering any words. Read the atmosphere before doing or saying something. Words can break or build so you have to be careful. In other words, weigh your words first.

Know when to talk and when to be quiet. You don’t have to put your words in everything. Silence us a language too some people say is a virtue. Utter words of wisdom if you have to say something to people.

Respect boundaries and people’s cultures as well as their rights. Stay in your learn and sometimes it is wiser to mind your business. Avoid judging people because you don’t know what brought that point.

Walk away if you are losing control of your emotions. It may look rude but it saves you from a lot of problems. Avoid unnecessary arguments. Try to bring up topics at the right time when people are in the right state of mind.

Always try to look at the positive side of things even in the middle of a storm. Don’t try to control what is beyond your control. People’s behaviour is way beyond your control.

If you don’t like them then walk away. Do not look down on anyone and always appreciate other people’s efforts. Be a good listener and always be willing to offer a helping hand for nothing in return.

Let’s spread love and peace.

By Brenda

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