Photo credit: CFI.

It sounds really cool to be tagged a workaholic by friends and colleagues or book worm at school.  It actually makes you feel good at that moment and you end up thinking it is really okay to work and work and work.

There are actually people who are attracted to people who like to be serious and busy all the time. This means some relationships are built with this aspect in consideration.

Well it is cool for the both partners but it will be harmful to their offspring and family too. Kids need their parents’ attention so many fail to deliver that as they are used to being busy with work all the time.

You end up seeing family time as a waste of time. You feel like you could have achieved more, made more money or covered up a lot of work during those few minutes you have spent relaxing with your family.

On the other hand some people play too much. They end up doing things on the last minute as they keep procrastinating and spending more of their time on leisure.

They become less productive and make a lot of mistakes on their work. They usually fail to deliver good quality work and this disturbs every other person who is linked to them work wise.

Playing is not bad but too much of it is harmful. Working is not bad too but too much of it is dangerous too. You may not see the consequences immediately but it may be too late to make amends when you finally do.

You have to be able to balance your time. Plan your day before it arrives. Plan your week even. Schedule time for every necessary thing and stick to the schedule. You need to be disciplined enough to follow the plan.

Give yourself enough time to sleep. Give yourself enough time to take good care of yourself. Have enough time for your family and your hobbies. Nurture your spiritual life too.

This helps you stay healthy physically, emotionally and mentally. This helps you build healthy and solid relationships with people, be it at work, at home or in the society.

Balance your time.

By Brenda

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